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Pest Control in London BIG MASSIVE RAT caught by Kimba the Terrier in London!
Environ pest control: Giant rat caught in London by Kimba the plumber terrier.
Dog killing a large rat as part of an emergency pest control service in London
GIANT RAT killed and controlled by dog in London ,The best pest control in Putney
GIANT RAT caught by puppy in training in London street
Kimba the rat catching dog when he was a little puppy in London
Rat control in clapham with with kimba the rat catching dog
BIGGEST rat caught in London!
SUPER RAT in London, Pest Control with Dog (too quick for dog)!
Best ever capture of a SUPER RAT in London by a small dog!!!!
Brave London Dog Catches Rat in Epic Pest Control Showdown! London Pest Control Emergency Call-out
Charlie the Rat Catching Dog